Armand Jay Mastroianni’s love of food, family and fun led to the creation of a catering enterprise, known simply as Jay’s Catering. “Jay” spent his early adult years pursuing various occupations, but it wasn’t until 1968, at the age of 45, 他突然想到了一个主意,这个主意将永远改变他和他的家庭的生活. He started as a milkman, 接着他又开了一家供应卡车的仓库,同时他自己也积累了一支由37辆餐饮卡车组成的车队, which could be found at the many beaches, businesses and construction sites in fast-growing Orange County. Four years later, 他建立了一个食品配送中心,为餐饮卡车和客户提供服务, 包括几个亨廷顿海滩学区和水星储蓄贷款公司. 所有这些冒险都促成了一家社交餐饮公司的成立,这家公司最终成为奥兰治县首屈一指的餐饮公司之一.
Jay did not do it alone, but employed his family’s help. In his biography, Catering Czar, he said, “My wife Eleanor was the chief cook; I was the creative director/salesman; Linda was the manager; Michael was an expert at serving as the lead on parties, and John found his initial niche in decorating.” The family of five, plus spouses and children, 在过去的50年里一直在实现杰伊很久以前建立的愿景. He wanted to provide fresh, 他妻子以合理的价格为尽可能多的人做了那样美味的食物. Today, 几乎没有一个奥兰治县的新娘计划自己的婚礼时,不去im体育官方app下载公司品尝一下食物,了解一下所有可用的服务. Tableware, linens, chairs, rentals and event design of all types are offered in-house, another one of Jay’s original ideas.
Jay’s Catering’s earliest menu, designed and prepared by Eleanor, included Italian specialties such as lasagna, meatballs, and sausage and peppers, in addition to the now famous “cold buffet,” consisting of handmade turkey, ham, roast beef, egg or tuna salad palm sandwiches, served with potato salad, ambrosia and a relish tray.
In a game-changing deal, 杰伊与水星储蓄贷款公司签订了一份合同,为潜在客户提供冷自助餐作为高管午餐. While Mercury reveled in its immensely popular lunch program, Jay’s Catering benefitted from a built-in referral system. From then on, the phone never stopped ringing. 今天,训练有素的厨师们从世界各地的美食中汲取灵感,创造出独一无二的菜肴. Desserts and pastries, like those offered at both Ellie’s Table locations, are some of the best sold in Southern California.
Jay and Eleanor’s daughter, Linda Loaeza, 她不仅追随他们的脚步,而且从十几岁起就和他们一起工作. Before school, she helped her mother prepare food for delivery, and after school, she worked in the office, 学习餐饮业务的一切——从食物准备和配送流程到员工关系和营销技巧. In 1994, at the age of 40, 她被正式任命为首席执行官,并利用她多年的经验和天生的, 敏锐的商业意识使Jay 's Catering连续几年荣登橙县最佳餐饮服务商榜首. Linda credits her dad with teaching her a valuable lesson when he said, “If you don’t know how to do something, find someone who does.” Thus, she has surrounded herself with a team of capable people, including chefs, designers, cake decorators, accountants and service and delivery personnel. Under her direction, 有能力的员工一起工作,为im体育官方app下载的客户提供最好的餐饮体验.
Jay passed away in 2013 but his vision and dreams live on in his family. 琳达的孩子们长大了,电脑时代也在商业上蓬勃发展. Armand Jay Barragan, known as A.J.他把自己的“技术诀窍”带到了公司,现在担任首席运营官. 这位第三代家族成员负责im体育APP的餐饮形象和品牌推广, establishes new venues and supervises the Ellie’s Table division, which he was instrumental in creating. Ellie’s Table North Beach(原位于圣克莱门特)和Ellie’s Table Egan House(现位于圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺), bakery & 这是为了向联合创始人埃莉诺和她喜欢的食物致敬.
A.J.他像他的祖父一样有远见,不知疲倦地为公司的持续扩张努力工作. In 2015, A.J. 让他的妻子莎拉·罗斯(Sarah Rose)帮助他完成最新的项目:The Estate on Second. 两人从场地的历史和格鲁吉亚殖民时期的结构中汲取灵感,对空间进行了翻新和改造. 当Estate on Second开业时,它是奥兰治县(Orange County)最受欢迎的场所之一. During The Estate's first year, 它被新娘顾问协会选为最佳新场地,并继续因其魅力和美丽而获奖. During 2018, The Westminster Rose Center, was added to the Jay's Catering family as a traditional, ballroom-style venue for weddings, corporate events, and celebrations. By the end of 2018, A.J. 与21号机库的团队合作,重新构想他们的直升机机库,并将其改造成一个多功能场所. After completing construction, Hangar 21 South opened offering modern, 工业设计和一些特殊的东西,你只能在这个地方体验-私人直升机飞行在你的婚礼当天. 南21号机库在2019年被《im体育APP》(California Wedding Day)评选为最佳新场地,它仍然是奥兰治县最独特的婚礼场地和活动场所之一. In 2019, after a desire to expand outside of Orange County, Forme Los Angeles opened its beautiful sliding glass doors in Burbank, CA. With help from his Jay's Catering team, A.J. 设计了这个上世纪中叶的现代化场所,这里曾举办过迪士尼等标志性公司的活动. With 4 venues up and running, A.J. is currently tackling his largest project yet. 酒店位于奥兰治老城,将于2021年11月开业,举办豪华婚礼和活动, Grand Gimeno is a 30,000平方英尺的室内和室外空间将以Jay's Catering的Asado菜单为特色,同时展示令人惊叹的西班牙殖民复兴建筑.
From humble beginnings as a mom and pop operation to a first-class caterer, Jay’s Catering now employs over 300 people, 在南加州一些最理想的地方经营几个独家场地和餐饮活动. Jay’s not only keeps up with current industry trends but helps create them. As an industry leader, Jay 's Catering继续以最高水平的服务提供最好的食物.